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Enterprise-Grade Solutions with Out-of-the-Box ROI

Entrilia • 2 min read
Smooth flowing river

In today's fast-paced investment landscape, having a reliable, efficient, and powerful fund management platform is no longer a luxury—it's a necessity. At Entrilia, we understand the unique demands of private capital markets, and we are committed to providing our clients with enterprise-grade solutions that deliver out-of-the-box ROI.

Unmatched Data Model and Quick Implementation

One of the cornerstones of Entrilia's offering is our exceptionally robust data model. Designed to optimize operational efficiency and data opportunities, our platform stands out in the market for its depth and breadth. Our data model is not just advanced; it’s the most sophisticated available, providing comprehensive insights and analytics that drive superior decision-making.

However, sophistication doesn’t have to mean complexity. At Entrilia, we pride ourselves on offering solutions that do not require large configurations or setups. Our platform is designed for quick and seamless implementation, allowing clients to get up and running in record time. This means you get the best of both worlds: a powerful, enterprise-grade solution that delivers immediate value without the long lead times typically associated with high-end software deployments.

Comprehensive Fund Accounting Solution

Entrilia's fund accounting solution is a prime example of our commitment to efficiency and value. Unlike traditional solutions that require extensive upfront onboarding and setup, our fund accounting system can be delivered out-of-the-box with a vast array of standard reports. This approach not only reduces the time to value but also offers massive upscale opportunities for customization as clients grow.

Our platform includes a comprehensive suite of tools that clients can start using the day after they sign a contract. This rapid onboarding is unique among enterprise solutions of our scale. At Entrilia, we leverage modern deployment methodologies, including fully automated deployments and continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) processes. This ensures ongoing automated maintenance and upgrades, providing clients with the most up-to-date features and optimizations. Our data load tools are fully accessible to clients, enabling effective and efficient data management. This level of usability and accessibility distinguishes Entrilia as a leader in modern fund management technology.

Investor Relations Suite and Investor Portal

In addition to our fund accounting solution, Entrilia offers a state-of-the-art investor relations suite and investor portal. These tools provide a high level of self-service that enhances both client and investor experience.

Clients have the ability to set up and brand the investor portal themselves, giving them complete control over the ongoing look and feel of their interface. This setup is streamlined and user-friendly, ensuring a smooth onboarding process. Investors and their contacts are granted role-based rights to submit updates directly through the portal. These updates go into an approval queue for client review, providing a unique level of engagement and transparency that saves clients a lot of time in processing as well as historical auditing of changes.

Advanced Reporting Tools and Data Warehouse

Our platform includes pre-configured reporting tools and an integrated data warehouse built in Snowflake. Clients can leverage a zero-copy-clone of the data warehouse, which provides immense value by enabling efficient data management without duplicating data. Our reporting tools offer out-of-the-box and customizable KPI calculations, including IRR, MOIC, TVPI, RVPI, and more, ensuring that clients have access to the metrics they need to make informed decisions.

Additionally, we provide an Excel add-in, listed in Microsoft AppSource, that allows clients to embed any of their reports directly into an Excel workbook. This feature streamlines financial statement preparation and automates reporting processes, significantly enhancing operational efficiency. This comprehensive approach not only improves communication and transparency but also ensures satisfaction among users and stakeholders alike. Entrilia's combination of advanced technology, user-friendly interfaces, and powerful reporting capabilities sets a new standard in fund management solutions.

Seamless Integration and Automation

Our commitment to efficiency and automation is evident in our partnerships and integrations. We are continually building integrations with other best-in-class applications to enhance our platform's capabilities. These integrations automate processes such as waterfall calculations, enterprise CRMs, or specialized investment-related processes. This approach not only enhances the accuracy of data but also significantly reduces the time spent on manual data entry, allowing fund managers to focus on strategic decision-making.

Proven Value and Client Success

Entrilia's solutions are designed with a clear focus on delivering value. Our clients, which include fund managers in private equity, venture capital, real estate, private credit, fund of funds, infrastructure, family offices, and fund administrators, consistently report improved operational efficiency and enhanced data capabilities. Our platform is deployed across both ends of the market, from large-scale firms to mid-market managers. We take significant pride in that even multi-billion AUM managers are able to go-live using our standard deployment, which speaks to the thoroughness that our out-of-the-box platform delivers across many different asset classes, in different jurisdictions, and of different sizes and scales.

The seamless integration of our platform into their existing workflows ensures that they can achieve their goals faster and more effectively. In the words of our CEO, Eric Faw, "Entrilia is committed to driving innovation and excellence in the private capital markets. Our solutions are designed to empower our clients with the tools they need to succeed, providing unparalleled data insights and operational efficiencies."

What Does This Look Like for You?

Entrilia’s innovative technology seamlessly integrates into your existing operations, replacing outdated systems and processes with cutting-edge solutions that deliver tangible results. Here are some specific examples of how our platform can transform your key operational outcomes:

Fund Accounting
  • Current Process: Manual data entry across multiple systems and/or workbooks—where reconciliations are time-consuming and prone to errors, while not adding any future benefit for the next period or deliverable.
  • With Entrilia: Our industry-leading Fund Accounting platform provides automated data management that streamlines these standard processes into the most robust transactional ledger on the market. Built on a bi-directional API-First architecture, our platform ensures that you can integrate with third-party applications, extending the solution to meet specific needs. This capability provides comprehensive Fund Accounting straight out of the box, with customizations available as needed, saving time and enhancing data accuracy while ensuring long-term viability.
  • Extension Opportunities: Other industry-leading waterfall and performance calculation engines, additional investment data ingestion tools, and more.
  • Investor Relations and Investor Portal
  • Current Process: Investors rely on outdated portals or manual communication methods, leading to delays and inefficiencies across all functions of investor relations.
  • With Entrilia: Our investor relations suite and modern investor portal provide a high level of self-service for investors, allowing them to access information, submit updates, and engage in real-time. This improves transparency and investor satisfaction while reducing administrative burdens.
  • Extension Opportunities: Enterprise CRM solutions, fundraising tools, investor databases, AML/KYC solutions, and more.
  • Reporting and Analytics
  • Current Process: Generating reports and calculating key performance indicators (KPIs) manually can be complex and error-prone. Most clients manually compile data from various subledgers for each period.
  • With Entrilia: Our powerful reporting tools and integrated data warehouse allow for real-time reporting and analytics on historical transactional data across subledgers. Clients can change a data parameter and re-render reports in seconds, eliminating the need for repetitive manual data compilation. Our tools offer out-of-the-box and customizable KPI calculations such as IRR, MOIC, TVPI, and RVPI. Additionally, our Excel add-in, available in Microsoft AppSource, enables embedding reports directly into Excel workbooks, streamlining financial statement preparation.
  • Extension Opportunities: Zero-Copy Clone your Snowflake data warehouse into your own account and append that data into your own solution in REAL TIME, leveraging Power BI, Tableau, and other reporting engines on top.
  • Extending Beyond Core Solutions

    While Entrilia excels in Fund Accounting, Investor Relations, and Reporting, we understand that clients may have additional needs. Our API-First architecture allows you to seamlessly integrate with other best-in-class applications for portfolio monitoring, other investment-related services, and enterprise CRM. This ensures that even if we do not offer a specific solution, you can still benefit from a tightly integrated system enhanced by third-party applications.

    Compliance and Operational Efficiency
  • Current Process: Ensuring compliance and operational efficiency requires extensive manual checks and balances.
  • With Entrilia: Our robust data model and automated workflows enhance compliance and operational efficiency. By reducing manual tasks and providing real-time insights, our platform helps you stay ahead of regulatory requirements and streamline your operations.
  • A Future of Continuous Innovation

    Looking ahead, Entrilia remains dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in fund management technology. We are continually investing in research and development to enhance our platform’s capabilities, ensuring that our clients always have access to the latest innovations and best practices in the industry.

    In conclusion, Entrilia stands out as a leading technology provider in the private capital markets, offering enterprise-grade solutions that deliver out-of-the-box ROI. With our robust data model, quick implementation, and comprehensive suite of solutions, we provide our clients with the tools they need to achieve superior outcomes.

    Experience the Entrilia difference today—where sophistication meets simplicity, and enterprise-grade solutions deliver immediate, tangible value.

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